Vendesi navi simili a id5622 (Portarinfuse , 7 DWT)

tornare indietro
DWT L/B/D draft Region
id7674 29,500 MT DWT General cargo vessel blt 1997 china for sale 1997 abt. 29519 181/26/ 10.0385 Portarinfuse
id7671 77mt DWT2225 on 4,02m blt1991 general cargo 1991 abt. 2225 77.8/11.1/ 4.02 Portarinfuse
id7668 104.2m General Cargo Ship 2009 abt. 6647 104.2/17.2/ 6.6 Portarinfuse
id7644 2008 abt. 10245 103.63/18.8/ 9.07 Portarinfuse
id7636 2001 abt. 10500 142.69/18.25/ 7.33 Portarinfuse
id7619 12,700 mt dwt MPP built 2006 Ukrain for sale 2006 abt. 12700 156.76/21.5/ 7.8 Portarinfuse
id7615 2014 abt. 181000 291.98/45/ 18.24 Portarinfuse
id7603 88.05m Multipurpose Vessel 1996 abt. 4182 88.5/14.4/ 5.89 Portarinfuse
id7588 2015 abt. 37000 179.9/9/ Portarinfuse
id7574 101mt DWT4570 blt1991 GEARED CR2X20T  GC BOX TWEEHDECKER 1991 abt. 4570 101.29// 5.75 Portarinfuse
id7572 2013 abt. 16900 131.66/1.6/ 9.616 Portarinfuse
id7569 2007 abt. 24822 158/25/ 9.62 Portarinfuse
id7565 79m Dry Bulk Carrier 1981 - DWT 2850 - Doosan 350 Excavator 1981 abt. 2850 79.77/12.8/ 12.8 Portarinfuse
id6921 2008 Offshore - Supply Support Vessel For Sale & Charter 2008 abt. 942 47/12.8/ 4.7 Portarinfuse
id3909 1998 abt. 5630 141// 5.97 Portarinfuse
id3963 297' SELF UNLOADING CARGO VESSEL 1999 abt. 3100 297// 5.5 Portarinfuse
id3981 1991 abt. 289 56.66/9/ 3.41 Portarinfuse
id5530 2007 abt. 24822 158/25/ 9.62 Portarinfuse
id4008 LCT CAR/CARGO VSL 2009 abt. 2126 79.3/17.5/ Portarinfuse
id4014 Bulk carrier ice 1A 23.650 DWT/520 TEU/2009 BLT for sale 2009 abt. 23650 181/22.9/ 9.9 Portarinfuse
id4018 1999 abt. 5250 199.95/24.5/ 5.6 Portarinfuse
id4030 93mt DWT5200 on 6,25m boxshaped geared singledecker 1999 abt. 5200 93.3/16.5/ 6.25 Portarinfuse
id4041 3753DWT GRLS GEN CARGO 2007 abt. 3573 81.2// Portarinfuse
id4104 2007 Cargo Vessel For Sale 2007 abt. 2164 88.9/12.2/ 3.4 Portarinfuse
id4117 26,000DWT Semi Submersible Heavy Lift Vessels 2022 abt. 26000 169/6/ 7.5 Portarinfuse
id4122 48m / Multi Purpose Vessel / General Cargo Ship for Sale / #1024349 1982 abt. 610 47.58/11.2/ 4.16 Portarinfuse
id4642 1980 abt. 602 73.42/13.65/ 2.45 Portarinfuse
id4705 1997 abt. 7900 121.3/19.8/ 7.966 Portarinfuse
id4714 101.29m RoLo Vessel 1996 abt. 5100 101.29/18.6/ 6.62 Portarinfuse
id4737 1991 abt. 1964 76.06/10.8/ 4 Portarinfuse
id4788 1997 abt. 10750 111.97/20.5/ 0.763 Portarinfuse
id4868 1989 abt. 2541 82.5/11.25/ 4.5 Portarinfuse
id4871 1996 abt. 1997 101.29/18.6/ 6.63 Portarinfuse
id4883 1984 abt. 3428 83/14.03/ 5.69 Portarinfuse
id4893 210,000DWT Bulk Carrier Dual Fuel Use 2021 abt. 210000 299.95/9.9/ Portarinfuse
id4899 Large Coastal Box Barge 45.54m x 9.50m 1978 abt. 1100 45.54/9.5/ Portarinfuse
id4916 1984 abt. 1555 74.9// Portarinfuse
id4931 1990 abt. 3774 99.68/99.68/ 4.74 Portarinfuse
id4951 68mt DWT1474 BLT1989 high quality singledecker 1989 abt. 1474 68.1// Portarinfuse
id4981 101.5m RoRo Cargo Vessel 1980 abt. 3734 101.5/16.56/ 6.1 Portarinfuse
id5025 1990 abt. 4180 88.25/13.17/ 3850 Portarinfuse
id5071 135m / Multi Purpose Vessel / General Cargo Ship for Sale / #1056613 1997 abt. 9 134.55/16.5/ 7.12 Portarinfuse
id5118 2011 Cargo Vessel For Sale & Charter 2011 abt. 5154 106/22/ 4.3 Portarinfuse
id5131 73mt DWT2194 Blt 1981 GEARED 8 X 3 MT DERRICKS 1981 abt. 2194 73/11.5/ 5.3 Portarinfuse
id5157 63,200DWT Bulk Carriers 2020 abt. 63200 199.9/9/ Portarinfuse
id5161 1999 abt. 24000 159/149.8/ Portarinfuse
id5168 93mt RORO PASSENGER  CARGO VESSEL 1989 abt. 1864 93/15/ 3.1 Portarinfuse
id5526 1994 abt. 10561 103.776/18.5/ 9 Portarinfuse
id5198 285' Geared Cargo Ship 1997 abt. 3500 85.5/12.8/ 5.54 Portarinfuse
id5525 1982 abt. 13 137.6/18.67/ 7.92 Portarinfuse
id5222 CM0727 General Cargo Ship 4150 DWT/1994 BLT for sale 1994 abt. 4150 97/13.2/ 5.1 Portarinfuse
id5223 1990 abt. 4360 91.29/15.06/ 6 Portarinfuse
id5747 105.5m Cargo Vessel 1996 abt. 6830 105.5/16.8/ 6.91 Portarinfuse
id5524 1994 abt. 4143 // 5.12 Portarinfuse
id5522 1000 DWT , BUILT 2020 Geared General Cargo Ship For Sale 2020 abt. 1000 Portarinfuse
id5800 1994 abt. 18645 148/22.8/ Portarinfuse
id5802 LCT CAR/CARGO VSL 2009 abt. 800 53/13.72/ 2.76 Portarinfuse
id5806 LCT CAR/CARGO VSL 1997 abt. 500 48.77/11.58/ 3.2 Portarinfuse
id5807 1991 abt. 2589 81.2/11.3/ 4.48 Portarinfuse
id5808 1986 abt. 3344 115.75/13.43/ 4.13 Portarinfuse
id5818 ICE CLASS COASTER FOR SALE 1966 abt. 549 71.4/11.6/ 3.5 Portarinfuse
id5869 38,191dwt Bulk Carrier for Sale 2008 abt. 38191 193.84/27.6/ 10.93 Portarinfuse
id5901 Gearless general cargo vessel 5070 DWT/2005 BLT for sale 2005 abt. 5070 100/16/ 5.5 Portarinfuse
id5906 1984 abt. 3604 92/92/ 5.51 Portarinfuse
id5918 General cargo vessel 5540 DWT/200 TEU/1996 BLT Ice 1A for sale 1996 abt. 5540 101/16/ 5.5 Portarinfuse
id5919 Two Volgobalt type sea-river vessels 3495 DWT/1979 BLT for sale 1979 abt. 3495 113.9/13/ 3.86 Portarinfuse
id5920 Geared ice 1A SID MPP 5200 DWT/1997 BLT for sale 1997 abt. 5200 101/16/ 6.4 Portarinfuse
id5922 Volzhskiy type sea-river shallow drafted dry cargo vessel for s 1988 abt. 3888 107.4/16.7/ 3.8 Portarinfuse
id5928 General cargo vessel 5000 DWT/2006 BLT for sale 2006 abt. 5000 100/16/ 5.5 Portarinfuse
id5929 2006 abt. 7060 116/17/ 5.68 Portarinfuse
id5930 1980 abt. 1995 80.96/11.31/ 3.53 Portarinfuse
id5931 1989 abt. 3792 87.9/10.2/ 5.49 Portarinfuse
id5938 1991 abt. 2021 89.98/17.2/ 5.3 Portarinfuse
id5955 1988 abt. 2730 89/12/ 6.56 Portarinfuse
id6011 [DCG107] Gearless General cargo ship 2005 abt. 5065 99.98/9.9/ 5.5 Portarinfuse
id6012 [DCG108] Gearless General cargo ship 1994 abt. 4143 96/6/ 5.13 Portarinfuse
id6049 3200 DWT General Cargo Ship 2018 abt. 3200 72/18/ 3.8 Portarinfuse
id6068 2002 abt. 724 102.2/18.08/ 2.2 Portarinfuse
id6074 115m / Multi Purpose Vessel / General Cargo Ship for Sale / #1066186 2005 abt. 7 115.1/17.2/ 5.68 Portarinfuse
id6084 MOC Shipyards 17.0 Multi Tug 2021 abt. 45 17/5.9/ 1 Portarinfuse
id6088 1995 abt. 75460 225/5/ Portarinfuse
id6122 130m Box Hold Barge DWT 8218 with Pusher Tug 1975 abt. 8218 130/23.9/ 23.9 Portarinfuse
id6126 63m General Cargo Multi Purpose Cargo Ship - 1739 DWT 1991 abt. 1739 63.55/11/ 4.087 Portarinfuse
id6171 1970 abt. 1088 98.5/15.8/ 4.1 Portarinfuse
id6216 700DWT Cargo Vessel 1993 abt. 700 56.85// Portarinfuse
id6262 84mt  4,247mdwt on 5.204 m GEARED GENERAL CARGO 1997 abt. 4247 84.6/16.46/ 5.204 Portarinfuse
id5518 2005 abt. 5065 9/9.9/ 5.5 Portarinfuse
id6342 333' Geared Cargo Ship 1997 abt. 5184 100.6/16.2/ 6.39 Portarinfuse
id6463 100mt DWT5050 blt1997 GEARED UNCELLED VESSEL 1997 abt. 5050 100.62// 8.2 Portarinfuse
id6479 1987 abt. 3531 87.98/12.8/ 5.17 Portarinfuse
id6571 Ro-Ro cargo vessel 1200 lm/3970 DWT/1990 BLT for sale 1990 abt. 3970 124/20/ 4.7 Portarinfuse
id6627 2008 abt. 5417 101.8/16/ 5.417 Portarinfuse
id6663 40m 4400bhp AHT Utility Tug 2021 abt. 345 40/11.8/ 3.8 Portarinfuse
id6668 94mt  7200 DWT ON 8.45 M  GEARED BOX SID/GC 1998 abt. 7200 94.4/16/ 8.45 Portarinfuse
id6669 130mt DWT 9169 MTS ON 8,1M GENERAL CARGO 1999 abt. 9169 130.81/17.71/ 8.1 Portarinfuse
id6687 1995 abt. 5199 95.72// 95.72 Portarinfuse
id6743 37m / Multi Purpose Vessel / General Cargo Ship for Sale / #1045718 1983 abt. 485 36.9/10.2/ 3.2 Portarinfuse
id6748 40m 3700bhp AHT Utility Tug 2021 abt. 345 40/11.8/ 3.8 Portarinfuse
id6750 81.2m General Cargo / Boxshaped / Gearless 1991 abt. 2620 81.2/11.3/ 4.48 Portarinfuse
id6752 79.17m Cargo Vessel 1990 abt. 3500 79.17/13/ 7.9 Portarinfuse
id5511 1997 abt. 5643 100.59/16.25/ 6.753 Portarinfuse
id6794 General cargo vessel 5540 DWT/200 TEU/1996 BLT Ice 1A for sale 1996 abt. 5540 101/16/ 5.5 Portarinfuse
id6823 [SRC299] Sea-River General cargo ship AMUR type 1986 abt. 3340 115.75/13/ 4.13 Portarinfuse
id6906 131mt RORO CARGO SHIP FOR CHARTER 1983 abt. 7200 131.7/1.7/ 6.15 Portarinfuse
id7003 Heavy Cargo Carrier 2008 abt. 10451 477/52/ 4.522 Portarinfuse
id7035 132m / Multi Purpose Vessel / General Cargo Ship for Sale / #1073253 2012 abt. 9 132.2/15.87/ 7.78 Portarinfuse
id7058 115.10m Multipurpose General Cargo 2006 abt. 7057 115.1/17.2/ 5.68 Portarinfuse
id7148 290' Geared MPP Cargo Ship 2006 abt. 3095 290/12.5/ 5.01 Portarinfuse
id10122 Normand Titan 2007 abt. 3060 78.3// 6.8 Portarinfuse
id9098 Steyer 1999 abt. 1330 59// 4.01 Portarinfuse
id9095 Fighter 1980 abt. 1140 61.24// 4.1 Portarinfuse
id7201 90mt DWT4890 BLT2005 SID,BOX GENERAL CARGO FOR SALE 2005 abt. 4890 90.6// 90.6 Portarinfuse
id7242 Sea-river gencargo ship for sale 3850 DWT/198x BLT abt. 3853 119.2/13.2/ 4.25 Portarinfuse
id7270 96mt DWT4592 BLT1992 GEARED GENERAL CARGO 1992 abt. 4592 96.45/14.3/ 5.95 Portarinfuse
id7300 464' 5,638 mt DWT RoRo Ship 1998 abt. 5630 464/18.35/ 5.97 Portarinfuse
id7325 1991 abt. 4336 151.13/23/ 6.417 Portarinfuse
id7372 333' Geared RoRo Cargo 1996 abt. 5078 101.2/18.6/ 6.62 Portarinfuse
id7394 176' Geared Cargo Vessel 1966 abt. 788 53.6/18/ 3.85 Portarinfuse
id7398 324' 5,228 mt DWT Self-Unloader 1977 abt. 5222 324/16/ 6.35 Portarinfuse
id7411 247' 2,481 Ton DWT Geared Cargo Ship 1994 abt. 2481 247/39/ 20 Portarinfuse
id7415 189' 985 Ton DWT Cargo Ship 1978 abt. 953 57/10/ Portarinfuse
id5492 1995 abt. 24 150.52/0.5/ Portarinfuse
id5491 1570 Mtns DWT Selfdischarger PRICE REDUCED 1977 abt. 1570 65.7/10.7/ 4.3 Portarinfuse
id7450 390' 4,350 mt DWT RORO Cargo Ship 1978 abt. 4350 118.73/18.8/ 4.95 Portarinfuse
id7454 345' 3,573 mt DWT RoRO 1980 abt. 3573 105/18.8/ 4.94 Portarinfuse
id5488 2009 abt. 4070 87.5/13.6/ 6.16 Portarinfuse
id5486 MV Celina, Antigua & Barbuda Flag 6,182 ts dwat on 6.76 m draft built 2001 at BEOGRAD BRODOGRADILISTE - YUG in Yugoslavia 2001 abt. 6182 104.4/16.2/ 6.76 Portarinfuse
id5484 MV 'ALTENAVI' - MALTA FLAG 1987 abt. 7917 107.55/107.55/ 7.7 Portarinfuse
id5480 MV BMC COSMOS /8,758 MT/BUILT 2007/ VIETNAM FOR SALE 2007 abt. 8758 111.7/18.6/ 7.615 Portarinfuse
id7458 56mtr 600DWT Cargo Vessel 1996 abt. 600 56.58/6.5/ Portarinfuse
id5477 2007 abt. 8758 111.7/18.6/ 7.615 Portarinfuse
id5476 1997 abt. 8747 100.64/19.6/ Portarinfuse
id5470 2009 abt. 4374 6.16 Portarinfuse
id5468 MV Cielo di Capalbio 36.600 dwt - blt 2012 - HMD, S'Korea 2012 abt. 36 182.83/27.8/ 10.9 Portarinfuse
id5466 35,009 DWT BULK CARRIER (M/V NEW GENERAL) FOR SALE 2011 abt. 35009 175.6/28.4/ 5.009 Portarinfuse
id5465 2,636 DWT GENERAL CARGO SHIP M/V SM 3 FOR SALE 1991 abt. 2636 74.2/11.7/ 2.636 Portarinfuse
id5464 1995 abt. 94456 100.72/94.75/ 9.445 Portarinfuse
id5463 2010 abt. 7608 110.8/18.2/ 6.97 Portarinfuse
id5462 HAILONG BRAVO: KEEN TO SALE/ General Cargo Vessel TWEEN DECK 9,400DWT with RINA Class 2004 abt. 9400 97.61/18.8/ 9.201 Portarinfuse
id5458 MIMCO:DWT 12580 BLT 2016 TWIN ENGINE SHALLOW DRAFT BULK CARRIER FOR SALE 2016 abt. 12580 138/26/ 6.2 Portarinfuse
id5456 2003 abt. 6917 106.62/16.8/ 7.06 Portarinfuse
id5455 MV APRIL DREAM (ex-Wilson Rye)Norwegian built singledecker 6,300 dwt blt 76 Norway 1976 abt. 6300 6.96 Portarinfuse
id5449 1995 abt. 9445 100.72/94.75/ 9.445 Portarinfuse
id5446 1992 abt. 5800 90/18/ 5.8 Portarinfuse
id5444 2007 abt. 177 292/45/ 18.32 Portarinfuse
id5443 2008 abt. 8456 11/7.8/ 7 Portarinfuse
id7461 Panamax Bulk Carriers 2012 abt. 75704 225/2/ Portarinfuse
id9984 1991 abt. 1400 58/9.4/ 3.8 Portarinfuse
id9983 1983 abt. 3353 114.06/13.22/ 4.88 Portarinfuse
id9978 1986 abt. 6985 24/11.2/ 7.5 Portarinfuse
id9975 1996 abt. 4000 6.2 Portarinfuse
id9974 abt. 1590 9/33/ Portarinfuse
id9973 1984 abt. 6147 98.61/16/ 98.61 Portarinfuse
id9969 1984 abt. 37593 187.03/28.4/ 10.764 Portarinfuse
id9965 abt. 43000 Portarinfuse
id9958 1984 abt. 6147 98.61/16/ 98.61 Portarinfuse
id9956 6147DWT GENERAL CARGO SHIP FOR SALE(SDM-GC-101) 1984 abt. 6147 98.61/16/ 98.61 Portarinfuse
id9951 1985 abt. 29462 183.3/23.1/ 10.61 Portarinfuse
id9950 1983 abt. 3353 114.06/13.22/ 4 Portarinfuse
id9941 1985 abt. 29462 183.3/23.1/ 10.61 Portarinfuse
id9940 1998 abt. 15962 // 8.8 Portarinfuse
id9934 1996 abt. 4000 6.2 Portarinfuse
id9931 1998 abt. 15962 // 8.8 Portarinfuse
id9909 abt. 4067 Portarinfuse
id9893 abt. 4067 Portarinfuse
id9883 2012 abt. 6400 1// 6.6 Portarinfuse
id9877 1998 abt. 19651 154.98/154.98/ 9.128 Portarinfuse
id9871 1997 abt. 5910 17/7/ 6.36 Portarinfuse
Totale trovato: 368
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